Spherinator & HiPSter

SPACE Training Webinar

Bernd Doser (HITS)

May 2024


  • FAIR Development Setup
  • Spherinator: The Model
  • Spherinator: The Training
  • HiPSter: The Inference
  • HiPSter: The Workflow
  • Summary and Outlook

FAIR Principles for Research Software

  • Findability

    Software, and its metadata, is easy to find for humans and machines

  • Accessibility

    Software, and its metadata, is retrievable via standardized protocols

  • Interoperability

    Software interoperates with other software through standards

  • Reusability

    Software is usable and reusable

FAIR: Development Setup

  • GitHub: Repository and project management
  • GitHub Actions: Continuous integration
    • Static code analysis
    • Unit tests
  • Poetry: Python dependency management
  • Dependabot: Automated security / version updates
  • ONNX: Open Standard for machine learning interoperability
  • Weights&Biases: Visualizing and tracking machine learning experiments

Spherinator: The Model

  • Representation learning by dimensionality reduction
  • Convolutional Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
  • Rotational invariance by using set of rotated images, where only the one with the lowest reconstruction loss is used for the training
  • (Hyper-)spherical latent space

Power Spherical Distribution

\[\begin{aligned} p_{X}(x; \mu, \kappa) = N_{X}(\kappa, d)^{-1}(1 + \mu^{\top}x)^{\kappa} \end{aligned}\]

\(d\): Dimension

\(\mu\): Direction

\(\kappa\): Concentration

\(N_{X}\): Normalization factor

Spherinator: Loss Function

\[\begin{aligned} L = L_{recon} + \lambda \cdot L_{KL} \end{aligned}\]

\(L_{recon}\): Reconstruction loss by pixel-wise euclidean distance

\(L_{KL}\): Kullback-Leibler divergence

  • Euclidean space: Gaussian reference distribution
  • Hyper-spherical space: Uniform reference distribution

\(\lambda\): Balancing factor

Spherinator: The Training

PyTorch Lightning Command Line Interface (CLI):

seed_everything: 42

  class_path: models.RotationalVariationalAutoencoderPower
      class_path: models.ConvolutionalEncoder
      class_path: models.ConvolutionalDecoder
    h_dim: 256
    z_dim: 3
    image_size: 363
    rotations: 36
    beta: 1.0e-3

  class_path: data.IllustrisSdssDataModule
    data_directories: ["TNG100", "TNG50", "Illustris"]
    extension: fits
    minsize: 100
    batch_size: 512
    shuffle: True
    num_workers: 16

  class_path: torch.optim.Adam
    lr: 0.001

  class_path: lightning.pytorch.cli.ReduceLROnPlateau
    mode: min
    factor: 0.1
    patience: 5
    cooldown: 5
    min_lr: 1.e-5
    monitor: train_loss
    verbose: True

  max_epochs: 200
  accelerator: gpu
  devices: 4
  precision: 32

    class_path: lightning.pytorch.loggers.WandbLogger
      project: spherinator
      log_model: True
      entity: ain-space
        - illustris

    - class_path: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
        monitor: train_loss
        filename: "{epoch}-{train_loss:.2f}"
        save_top_k: 3
        mode: min
        every_n_epochs: 1
    - class_path: callbacks.LogReconstructionCallback
        num_samples: 6

Monitoring with Weights&Biases

  • Tracking experiments
  • Collaborative project management (teams, reports)
  • Model registry (publish models for staging and production)
  • Hyperparameter optimization
  • Free for academic research

HiPSter: The Inference

HiPS - Hierarchical Progressive Survey

  • The HiPS tiles are reconstructed with the corresponding spherical latent space position.

  • The HiPS tilings are visualized with Aladin-Lite.

HiPSter: The Workflow

Summary and Outlook

  • Spherinator & HiPSter promising solution for classifying large datasets
  • Easy feature extension due to modern software development techniques
  • Evaluation of encoder, decoder, loss function for better reconstruction
  • Orchestration of the HiPSter workflow
  • Geometric Deep Learning: 3D point clouds instead of images
  • Prototype and source code are publicly available

Acknowledgement & Disclaimer


Barker, Michelle, Neil P. Chue Hong, Daniel S. Katz, Anna Lena Lamprecht, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Fotis Psomopoulos, Jennifer Harrow, et al. 2022. “Introducing the FAIR Principles for Research Software.” Scientific Data 9 (December). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01710-x.
Cao, Nicola De, and Wilker Aziz. 2020. “The Power Spherical Distribution.” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, INNF+, June. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04437.
Fernique, P., M. G. Allen, T. Boch, A. Oberto, F-X. Pineau, D. Durand, C. Bot, et al. 2015. “Hierarchical Progressive Surveys: Multi-Resolution HEALPix Data Structures for Astronomical Images, Catalogues, and 3-Dimensional Data Cubes.” Astronomy &Amp; Astrophysics 578 (June): A114. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201526075.
Polsterer, Kai L., Bernd Doser, Andreas Fehlner, and Sebastian Trujillo-Gomez. 2024, in press. “Spherinator and HiPSter: Representation Learning for Unbiased Knowledge Discovery from Simulations.” Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXIII, 2024, in press.